This article offers a step-by-step guide to correct the data entry format for THC concentrations in Dutchie POS when they are inconsistently displayed in milligrams instead of percentages. 


Products are displaying THC concentration in milligrams (mg) instead of the percentage (%) on the online menu.


The test results for products are entered in milligrams (mg) and displayed as such on the inventory tab and edit inventory page. However, test results are entered as percentages on the product details page in the product catalog. This discrepancy in data entry formats leads to the inconsistency in how THC concentration is displayed.


  1. Check Product Details Page
    • Navigate to the Products section in Dutchie POS
    • Locate the specific item in question in the Product Catalog 
    • Access the Product Details page for the identified item
  2. Verify THC/CBD Content Format
    • On the Product Details page, locate the THC/CBD Content section
    • Confirm that the THC concentration dropdown is set to "%", indicating the percentage format rather than "mg".
  3. Adjust Display Settings
    • If the THC concentration is set to "mg", modify it to "%" to ensure consistency in display format across all product types.

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