Pay by Bank Errors & Declines
Message |
Explanation |
Your bank account has insufficient funds to complete this transaction. Please either use a different method of payment or add funds to your bank account and try again. B104 |
Insufficient funds; note that we may require an available balance higher than the specific order amount. When a customer attempts to place an order, we complete a balance check on the account they have linked. If our system determines that funding is not viable, the transaction is declined |
Your financial institution is not supported by Dutchie Pay at this time. Please use a different method of payment. F102. | The bank account that this user is attempting to checkout with is tied to a financial institution that is not supported by Dutchie Pay. |
DutchiePay account is temporarily blocked. Please have customer contact Dutchie Support. F093. |
The bank account that the customer is attempting to use has been internally blocked. Click here for more information regarding blocked accounts. |
Customer has exceeded transaction limit. You can learn more about why here: Dutchie Pay Transaction LimitsV011. |
Consumer has exceeded the count of attempted transactions, this includes failed and successful. Pay by Bank has transaction limits in place to assist in fraud prevention and detection. Consumer can try again in 1 hour. |
Customer facing: You have an outstanding balance of [$x] from a previous transaction at [dispensary name] placed on [MM/DD/YY]. You can learn more here. F103. Budtender facing: DutchiePay account is temporarily blocked. Customer has more details on why. Please try another payment method. F103. |
User has been temporarily blocked from using Dutchie Pay as a result of having an outstanding ACH return (debt). Click here for more information regarding blocked accounts.
DutchiePay account is temporarily blocked. Please have customer contact Dutchie Support. F091. | Click here for more information regarding blocked accounts. |
Customer has exceeded transaction limit. You can learn more about why here: Dutchie Pay Transaction LimitsV001. |
Consumer has exceeded the allotted pending and finalized transactions. Pay by Bank has transaction limits in place to assist in fraud prevention and detection. Consumer can try again in 24 hours. |
DutchiePay account is temporarily blocked. Please have customer contact Dutchie Support. F090. |
The attempted transaction was declined due to our automated transaction review process. Pay by Bank uses several factors to make these determinations. Consumer should use a different form of payment to complete the order. Consumer can use Pay by Bank for future orders. |
Customer has exceeded transaction limit. You can learn more about why here: Dutchie Pay Spend LimitsV008. |
Consumer has exceeded the allotted pending and finalized transaction amount. Pay by Bank has transaction limits in place to assist in fraud prevention and detection. Consumer can try again in 3 days. |
Customer has exceeded transaction limit. You can learn more about why here: Dutchie Pay Spend LimitsV005. |
Consumer has exceeded the allotted pending and finalized transaction amount. Pay by Bank has transaction limits in place to assist in fraud prevention and detection. Consumer can try again in 7 days. |
Customer has exceeded transaction limit. You can learn more about why here: Dutchie Pay Spend LimitsV010. |
Consumer has exceeded the allotted amount for a Pay by Bank transaction. Pay by Bank has transaction limits in place to assist in fraud prevention and detection. To process the transaction reduce the order amount. |
Customer has exceeded transaction limit. You can learn more about why here: Dutchie Pay Transaction LimitsV002. |
Consumer has exceeded the allotted pending and finalized transaction amount. Pay by Bank has transaction limits in place to assist in fraud prevention and detection. Consumer can try again in 7 days. |
Customer has exceeded transaction limit. You can learn more about why here: Dutchie Pay Spend LimitsV004. |
Consumer has exceeded the allotted amount for a Pay by Bank transaction. Pay by Bank has transaction limits in place to assist in fraud prevention and detection. Consumer can try again in 24 hours. |
Customer has exceeded spending limit. Please have customer contact Dutchie Support. B100. |
The customer has created an order online where the ORDER TOTAL exceeds a predetermined threshold set by our Risk Team. |
Customer has exceeded transaction limit. Please have customer contact Dutchie Support. F092. |
The customer has experienced >2 transaction failures in the past hour. |