Find solutions to common batch mode issue.

Things to know

  • Batch mode is controlled in Metrc settings in the Backoffice. To activate Batch Mode, go to Metrc settings and select Batch from the Mode drop. In order to edit Mode in the Metrc Settings, users are required to have the Edit Metrc Integration permission enabled.
  • Some Metrc errors may actually be processed. Do not re-queue a transaction if you have a receipt ID.

Use Batch Mode (Integrations > Metrc > Batch Mode Logs) to automatically transmit Dutchie POS sales to Metrc after checkout. You can also configure Batch Mode to automatically re-attempt transmission upon errors, such as Metrc being unavailable or down. With Batch Mode, you can also manually re-queue Dutchie POS sales.

Identifying Error statuses

If Dutchie POS fails to post the transaction, the Last Transmission Error column in the Batch Mode Logs view contains an error message. If all transmission attempts have been exhausted, the Status column reports an Error; if Dutchie POS is re-attempting the transaction automatically, the Status column reports Processing.

You can also use the Filter by Status dropdown to display only transactions with the given status.

You can attempt to resolve the reported error whether the status is Processing or Error. To view the complete error text, check the box to select a transaction.

Re-submitting transactions

After resolving errors for transactions in the Processing status, wait for Dutchie POS to resubmit the transaction automatically. After resolving the error, select the transaction for transactions in the Error status.

Two buttons, Requeue and Reconcile, will appear.

  • Select Requeue to post the same transaction to Metrc again. Do not Requeue transactions that already have a Metrc receipt ID. Use this when the issue is related to connectivity, as indicated by error messages such as "Timeout", "The operation has timed out," and "Metrc Service Unavailable," and no Metrc receipt ID is assigned.
  • Select Reconcile when the transaction itself was modified externally in Metrc. Many such issues are reported as "Metrc Bad Request" errors, with the contents of the message indicating the issue, such as "message": "Facility can not sell to Consumers" or problems with specific packages.
  • Reconcile when the transaction itself was modified externally in Metrc. Many such issues are reported as "Metrc Bad Request" errors, with the contents of the message indicating the issue, such as "message":"Facility can not sell to Consumers" or problems with specific packages.

Tips for using Batch Mode

  • Batch Mode only works for sales. Any changes to the inventory made in the backend are still posted in real-time. Do not adjust during the sales day; wait until the day’s transactions are complete and you have verified the Batch Mode Logs.
  • Batch Mode cannot post delivery manifests.With Batch Mode active, delivery manifests must be entered into Metrc directly. Delivery-only businesses should not use Batch Mode.
  • Batch mode retry logic relies on the Master API Key in your Metrc settings to pull Metrc receipts for your license to verify in the event that a POS sale fails to post to Metrc. When an API Key goes bad, the sync job stops and the Batch Mode retry function does not work. If you have Batch Mode transactions stuck in Processing status, be sure to run the Metrc > Validate Key tool to see if your master API Key is failing on the Receipts endpoint. You can also check the Metrc > Statistics tab for “Receipts” to validate that the last sync date is the current day and a time within the last 15-30 minutes. This process runs throughout the day to continually sync Metrc receipts to the POS receipts.
  • Reconcile after business hours.The Integration Reconciliation will be out of sync during business hours when Batch Mode is enabled. Do not reconcile with Metrc until the sales day is complete and you have verified the Batch Mode Logs.
  • Metrc may actually process Metrc errors (timeouts and 500). If you have a receipt ID, these transactions were successfully processed despite the error and should not be re-queued.
  • Because Batch Mode does not post at the time of the transaction, states that require real-time sales reporting cannot use it.

Frequently asked questions

What Dutchie POS permissions do I need to interact with the Batch Mode Log?

You will require the Edit Metrc Integration permission in order to interact with these tools (check your User Permission Group).

How do I re-queue a failed transaction?

You can re-queue receipts with the Error status by selecting the transaction and then the Requeue button.

I received an error saying Patient License Number invalid on the error log. What do I do?

If you are seeing this error there is a formatting issue with the patient MMJID, and you will need to reformat and resubmit. To reformat the MMJID, go to Customers > Click the customer name > enter the accurate MMJID in the right format.        

I see a transmission error that says, “Receipt was queued for Metrc, but not successfully checked out in Dutchie POS.” What do I do?

You should Requeue the transaction.

I see a transmission error that says, “Unable to get NewMETRCSalesSystem.” What do I do?

Metrc was disabled while Batch Mode was trying to process receipts. You should Requeue the transaction.

What about timeouts and "500 status" errors?

Check to see if they have a receipt ID. If they do, they were processed correctly despite the Metrc error response. You don't need to do anything.

Can I run returns when using Batch Mode?

Not unless we have a receipt ID from Metrc. The process that retrieves Metrc receipts will typically take less than one hour. If you can’t wait, you’ll need to process the return manually in Metrc.

I re-queued my sale, and it disappeared! What do I do?

Nothing. Your transaction's status changed to Queued, then will change to Processing when in progress. You might also be filtering transactions by a Status column value.

Metrc rejected my sale because of an MMJID problem. Now what?

Check their assigned customer type and verify the MMJID through their profile in the POS. If you rang them as the wrong customer type, you'll need to void and enter them again as the correct type, backdating if needed.  The transaction customer type cannot be changed once completed, not even by changing the customer type in the associated customer profile.  The transaction is the record of the sale and customer type can dictate things like pricing, taxes, etc., so the customer type needs to be right at the time of checkout. Otherwise, void and re-enter.

What do I do if I can’t use Integration Reconciliation during the day?

The Integration Reconciliation can be emailed after hours. Locate these settings under the Integration Reconciliation cog.

How do I sync receipts or check for missing receipts?

If you have Batch Mode transactions stuck in Processing status, be sure to run the Metrc > Validate Key tool to see if your master API Key is failing on the Receipts endpoint. You can also check the Metrc > Statistics tab for “Receipts” to validate that the last sync date is the current day and a time within the last 15-30 minutes. This process runs throughout the day to continually sync Metrc receipts to the POS receipts.

I am having an issue with an employee that came over to my location from another store. All of the transactions that he processed today are showing up in batch mode. How do I fix this?

When dealing with issues related to bulk of employee transactions appearing in batch mode, you will need to update the individual Metrc API key for that employee. The employee can check the validity of the API key by navigating to Settings > Integrations > Metrc > Settings > Validate Key. If the individual key returns failures across all access points you will need to update. After you update the individual Metrc API key, navigate to Batch Mode Logs and filter for errors. From there, you can select all the transactions with the employee associated > Bulk actions > re-queue.

Why can’t I edit the Mode field in Metrc settings? 

In order to edit this field you need ‘Edit Metrc Integration’ permissions. Turning on this field allows you to run in Batch mode. 

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