The Dutchie Register terminal allows users to access only specific websites based on domains configured in the Backoffice. This application runs in a split-screen mode to aid in quick, easy transactions.

This article applies only to Dutchie Register terminal devices like the one pictured below.

register terminal front.png

Manage approved websites for the Register terminal

Administrators control which websites employees can access from the Register terminal by adding approved domains in the Backoffice.

  1. In the Backoffice, navigate to Settings > Devices > Domains tab. If you don't see a Domains tab, contact support to have this feature enabled.
  2. Click Add domain.
  3. Enter an approved domain and click Add.
  4. Back on the Domains tab, click Save.
  5. To remove a domain, click the X next to the domain, click I understand in the popup prompt, and click Save.

Access the external website browser

  1. In the Register, navigate to the Guest List page.
  2. Expand the side menu in the lower left corner.
  3. Select Open External Websites.

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