Learn how to process delivery orders with COVA point-of-sale and the Pineapple Express Delivery/Dutchie Ecommerce integration.


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Things to know

  • You must have appropriate settings permissions on your Dutchie Ecommerce user account to view integrations and manage orders. Please see your account administrator to update your account.
  • Note: COVA is not integrated with Pineapple Express Delivery and orders must be closed separately within each platform.

Follow this process to process delivery orders with COVA and Pineapple Express Delivery

In Dutchie Ecommerce

  1. When your customer places a delivery order through Dutchie Ecommerce, the new order will appear on your Dutchie Ecommerce terminal.
  2. Click the blue “Confirm” button to print a terminal receipt containing all order information. This receipt will be used in place of the label typically used when fulfilling Pineapple Express Delivery orders.
  3. A text message is automatically sent to your customer confirming that you have received the order when you click “Confirm” on your terminal.
  4. In your Dutchie Ecommerce admin Settings > Integrations > Pineapple Express Delivery > Settings, when the “Confirmation” option is selected under “Setup,” new orders from Dutchie Ecommerce are automatically sent to COVA and the “Merchant app” in Pineapple Express Delivery upon confirmation of the order.

  5. The order status in Dutchie Ecommerce is “Confirmed,” and the order status will appear in gray text to indicate that it is now being processed in COVA and Pineapple Express Delivery. 


In Pineapple Express Delivery

  1. When the order shows up in Pineapple Express Delivery, it will be in the “Prepare state” within the Merchant app. This indicates that the dispensary is filling the order and preparing it for delivery.
  2. Within Pineapple Express Delivery, the order will appear in the “Current” tab. The timer located on the right side indicates how many minutes you have remaining to fill the order. 

  3. Click the order number to view the order details.

  4. When the timer expires, the order moves to “Ready” within Pineapple Express Delivery, which notifies dispatch to send a driver to pick up the order for delivery.
  5. The driver picks up the order and clicks “Start delivery,” which automatically removes the order from the Pineapple Express Delivery Merchant app and changes the status to “In Transit” in Dutchie Ecommerce. Dutchie automatically sends the customer a text message indicating the order is on the way.
  6. Upon delivery, the driver closes the order in Pineapple Express Delivery, which automatically closes the order in Dutchie Ecommerce.


Confirm and tender the order in COVA as an “Online Payment” to complete the transaction and balance your inventory.