
Dutchie does not provide compliance advice. Merchants are responsible for their own compliance. Internal and external Dutchie compliance documentation has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or compliance advice. Dutchie provides tools that assist in compliance in many optional configurations. Merchants should consult their own tax, legal and compliance advisors to determine how best to configure Dutchie compliance settings and, in general, how best to operate within the cannabis industry.

Operators in Connecticut have the following fields on medical patient profiles, which Dutchie POS uses to accurately track and enforce patient allotments.

Internal dispensedAutomatically populated based on sales. View-only/can't be edited.
External dispensedAutomatically calculated based on (Max allotment - Internal dispensed - Current allotment). Can be edited.
Max allotment

The prescription amount, and also the value that the current allotment will reset to at the end of the cycle.

Can be edited as a patient’s prescription changes.

Current allotmentReflects Internal dispensed, External dispensed, and Max allotment values. Can be affected in 2 ways:
  • Display a current allotment based on (Max - internal dispensed - external dispensed). Retailer Workflow: update External dispensed value at check-in.
  • Edited directly to “current allotment today” (this would impact the External dispensed value, which will be stored for future current allotment calculations). Retailer Workflow: update Current allotment value at check-in.

Connecticut operators should also be sure to enable MMJID expires at the end of day under Settings > Location. When this setting is enabled, a patient's MMJID is considered valid in Dutchie POS until 11:59 pm on the expiration date entered in the patient's customer profile. Otherwise, the MMJID is considered expired at 12:01 am on the expiration date. Note that this setting must be enabled separately for each location.

View and track allotments at the register

On a patient's profile, you can view the patient's Internal Dispensed, Current Allotment, and Max Allotment:internal_dispensed.png


Allotment is also shown in the cart view when you're ringing up a transaction for the patient. Select Details to view more information. In the event a patient makes a return, the Allotment can be reverted in Dutchie, but not in the prescription monitoring program. 
