The Medical Marijuana Use Registry (MMUR), administered by the Office of Medical Marijuana Use (OMMU), is Florida’s patient registry.

Dutchie POS integrates with MMUR via BioTrack to track patient allotments and enforce purchase limits.

Catalog setup

Cannabis products

MMUR fields

For each cannabis product in your catalog, be sure to fill in the following:

  • MMUR order type - select from
    • Medical Cannabis
    • Low-THC Cannabis
    • Smoking
  • MMUR form - the primary route/method of consumption
  • Alternate MMUR form - optionally, add secondary routes/methods of consumption for products that can be consumed in different ways, such as budder, concentrates, or flower.

You can also set the MMUR form and Alternate MMUR form at the Product Category level (Products > Configure > Categories tab).

As new inventory is added to a product, inventory items will inherit the product’s MMUR attributes. However, updates to MMUR attributes at the Product Category level do not flow down to products.

BioTrack external categories

Ensure each product in your Catalog is assigned to the correct External category.

You can do this by going to ProductsCatalog, then select a product and update the External category field.

Or, assign external categories in bulk by using the checkboxes to select multiple products belonging to the same external category, then select Bulk actions > Buk edit product details and assign the External category.

Products in green are approved categories for end products in retail.

Categories in blue and yellow are approved categories for cultivation and manufacturing only.
biotrack external category diagram.png

Delivery devices

A delivery device is any item that is not cannabis but delivers cannabis into the body. Exactly which items are considered delivery devices is somewhat subjective, but common examples include vape batteries and rolling papers.

Add delivery devices to your Catalog

Before you can receive delivery devices into your inventory, you need to set them up as products in your Catalog:

  1. In the Dutchie Backoffice, go to Products > Catalog.
  2. Select Add product.
  3. Fill in the standard product detail fields such as Name, SKU, Category, etc.
  4. Set the Cannabis product field to No. This hides the MMUR form and Alternate MMUR form fields and exposes the Is delivery device field.
  5. Set Is delivery device to Yes.
  6. Another field for MMUR delivery devices appears.
    • This allows you to match the product to the equivalent device in the state system so Dutchie POS can report it properly.
    • Devices are listed in the dropdown in this format: Device Type | Order type | Form/Route.
      • In some cases, a delivery device can be used for multiple order types.
      • When needed, you can select multiple options from the list (i.e., same device and order type, different routes). This avoids having to re-route in the Register.
    • Device sales are tracked and logged to the API because device sales are tax-exempt for medical users.
    • Dutchie POS pulls the updated list of approved devices from the state once daily.
    • You can also manually trigger a refresh of this list under Settings > Integrations > MMUR by clicking Refresh Devices in case the state adds new devices and you don't want to wait until the next day to set them up.
  7. When you're finished filling in all the product details, click Save.
  8. Repeat for any additional delivery devices

You can now receive the delivery devices either on their own or combined with cannabis inventory.

Potencies and allotments

For MMUR, Dutchie POS uses the following unit conversions:

Ounce (imperial) Ounce (decimal) Grams
1 1 28.35
1/2 0.5 14.18
1/4 0.25 7.09
1/8 0.125 3.54
Preroll 0.035274 1
Shorty 0.028 0.8


Flower is sold and tracked by weight. All other product types are by potency.


Allotments for non-flower products are based on the lab results rather than the static Flower equivalent field on the product. This makes for a more accurate dispensation.

  • MMUR allotments are calculated based on the inventory lab results, whether entered manually or by an integration.
  • The Grams per concentration value on the inventory item (carried over from the Catalog) is multiplied by the THC value in the batch lab results to determine the flower equivalency. The resulting flower equivalency will be accurate to the standards of MMUR.
  • This is why Flower equivalent is greyed out on the package level and auto-populated when lab data is changed.


  • Dutchie POS validates patients with MMUR via BioTrack upon check-in and fetches their up-to-the-minute allotments.
  • Sales post to MMUR via BioTrack as soon as you complete a sale in the Dutchie Register.
  • Deliveries and pre-orders
    • When you click Ready for delivery or the notify button for pre-orders, Dutchie POS reports the patient’s allotment to MMUR as a “reservation,” which is closed when the sale is completed. 
    • In other words, the delivery/pre-order is deducted from the patient’s allotment before the sale is actually completed.
    • You can’t modify a cart (including discounts and fees) in Dutchie POS after the manifest has been uploaded to MMUR.
    • Deliveries must always be assigned to a delivery route in the Register, and you must select Start route, even if it’s only one delivery.
  • Process returns/refunds and voids in Dutchie POS. Note, however that you can only void a sale on the same date that it occurred. Sales and voids cannot be backdated.
  • When viewing a cart, click Details in the Allotment section to view a breakdown of the patient’s allotment. There is also a Refresh button on the Allotment Details modal.
  • For deliveries using the Mobile Checkout app where the driver closes the sale in the field, it’s a good idea to refresh and double-check a patient’s allotment to ensure they still have enough allotment left before leaving the facility to make the delivery.
  • Items added to the cart will get auto-assigned to the matching Order and Route.

Re-routing in the register

If you wish to "re-route" a package to a new Order or form on the patient's available Routes you may do so by clicking the 3 dots next to the cart item and then clicking Re-Route.


You may then select a new Order type from the patient's available orders and a new Form that the product is capable of being assigned to.

Dispensary employee information

Employees can only make sales if the Login ID in their Dutchie POS user profile is an exact, case-sensitive match to the email address in their MMUR profile.

For delivery drivers, the Login ID on their Dutchie POS driver profile must also be an exact, case-sensitive match to MMUR. This is how MMUR validates the driver when the delivery dispensation is submitted.

bo_users_user profile.png

Users can verify if their credentials match by going to Settings > Account in the Backoffice or Settings > BioTrack in the Register.

Patient information

When patients are checked, Dutchie POS looks up their certification/order in MMUR by their date of birth and medical card number (MMJ ID).

It is highly recommended that you set the Date of Birth field as Required under Customers > Configure > Fields.


Caregivers making purchases on behalf of patients must match the registry. The Check-In Caregiver functionality will draw the allowable caregiver names from the registry, regardless of what is entered on the patient's profile.

For minor patients, caregiver selection will be required. When you click Check in Caregiver, a modal will open to select the caregiver in the store.


  • Patient is blocked at checkout in the POS
    • Make sure the allotment was fetched. The likely solution is to add or correct the Date of Birth in the patient profile.
  • The sale is unable to push to MMUR
    • Check the Dutchie POS user’s email address, and make sure it matches the employee info in MMUR. This is case-sensitive.
    • Email address is the integration’s key requirement for a user to dispense. Dutchie POS doesn’t use the license number or state ID.
    • For patients, Dutchie POS only uses the date of birth and medical card number (MMJ ID) to validate