
This article contains information that is specific to Florida BioTrack users.

BioTrack requires users to upload all their inventory outside of BioTrack into BioTrack. This means inventory received in Dutchie needs to be uploaded into BioTrack. Since BioTrack uses a globally unique 16-digit identifier to track plants and inventory, the Upload to BioTrack feature in Dutchie assists with this process. Once uploaded, your inventory will receive a new BioTrack ID. This article details how to receive and upload initial inventory for BioTrack. 

Things to consider

  • Dispensary employees are required to have individual user accounts. 
  • For the first iteration of this, if the worker already has an email address registered with MMUR, they should use this email address when setting up their account. 
  • Florida has a real-time requirement for reporting to BioTrack’s traceability system. This means the Licensee's sales need to be in BioTrack usually within 5 minutes. 
  • Most actions that you perform in the Dutchie Backoffice will report from Dutchie to BioTrack.
  • THC, CBD, CBD-A, CBN, and CBG lab results for all inventory should be entered in Dutchie POS before this initial inventory upload. Initial lab results will then be reported from Dutchie POS to BioTrack.

Upload initial inventory

Before uploading inventory:

  • Remove any allocated packages from carts and manifests, as allocated packages will not be included in the upload quantity.
  • Complete or remove all deliveries from that day and end all routes. There should be no pending future routes or deliveries with allocated packages on the evening of cutover.
  • All retail inventory should have lab results in the THC and CBD fields at a minimum. If no value or non-detected, enter 0.
  • Make sure the following fields are filled in:
    • External category for all cannabis products in your Catalog
    • THC and CBD values in the lab results for all retail cannabis packages
    • External ID for each inventory room. Resaving rooms with the integration enabled will push to BioTrack and generate an external ID in Dutchie POS.
  1. Go to Products > Inventory.
  2. Click Receive inventory
  3. Choose the Vendor you're receiving inventory from.
  4. Choose a Room to place the inventory into. 
  5. Click Add item
  6. In the Receive package window, select a catalog product, add the quantity, and add a Package ID. This must be unique. 
  7. If you already have a 16-digit numerical ID in the External package ID field, remove it and leave this field blank before your initial upload. If you have many items with pre-existing 16-digit IDs, our professional services team can assist you with removing these in bulk.
  8. Click Save package
  9. In the Receiving details section, choose Yes for Bypass state system
    bo_inventory_receive_bypass state system yes.png

    Only choose Yes for Bypass state system during your initial inventory upload, or when receiving delivery devices. 

  10. Click Receive

Once the package is received, follow these steps to upload it to BioTrack:

  1. Click Inventory
  2. Check the box(es) for one or more received packages. You can also check the box in the header row and Select all or Select page, but we recommend selecting no more than 500 packages at a time.
  3. Select Upload to BioTrack from the Bulk actions dropdown. 
    fl_upload to biotrack.png
  4. Click Upload.

After uploading, Dutchie retains the original Package ID and also adds the BioTrack serial number to the External package ID field, which indicates that the upload is successful. Items that have already been uploaded cannot be uploaded a second time.