Enable allotment checks for your Metrc and Dutchie POS connection.

If you are using the Allotment Check setting in Dutchie POS you will not need to look up patient allotments in Metrc because Dutchie POS automatically pulls in patient data from Metrc to verify their allotment. The Metrc data trumps the data in Dutchie, so when allotment checks are enabled, Dutchie will always have the most up-to-date information. To enable allotment checks:

  1. Go to Settings > Integrations
  2. Select Metrc
  3. Click the Settings tab. 
  4. Stroll down to Enable Allotment Check and select Yes from the dropdown.
  5. In the Use Dutchie Purchase Limits for Types field, select any customer types that should not be subject to Metrc allotment checks, and should instead be subject to the purchase limits you configure in Dutchie POS.
  6. Click Save

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