Creating sales and specials based on weight, items for a dollar amount off, items for a price, or BOGO in Dutchie Ecommerce
This article applies to Dutchie Ecommerce.
This article only applies to operators not using Discount Sync with Dutchie POS.
If Discount Sync is enabled for your location, set up specials and offers as discounts in Dutchie POS instead of in Dutchie Ecommerce.
You can set up either a Sale or BOGO special for specific product weights for individual items, categories, and brands.
Sales based on weight
Choose a weight
- Go to Promote > Create a Special > Sale.
- In the Products section, select an item weight and choose whether the sale should apply to items Greater than or Equal to that weight.
Note: Item weight will only appear when it’s relevant to the product. For example, weight won't display for items like Accessories.
Set a discount
After selecting the items to include in the Sale, you can set percentage or dollar discounts. Upon entering a dollar amount or percentage for individual sale items, the opposite field will be automatically updated.
Note: When applying discounts to entire categories or brands, you can only set a percentage discount, and not a dollar discount.
Items for a dollar amount off
- Go to Promote > Create a Special > Sale.
In the Products section, select Items for a dollar amount off.
Note: This condition allows you to set an entire brand, category, or specific products for a dollar amount off.
The "dollar amount off" condition can additionally be applied to weight-specific conditions (explained above) to any set of individual items, brands, or categories.
You can set the same All items for a dollar amount off discount for all products in the special. To do so, use the Apply global discount toggle to apply the same discount to all items in your special. Click Continue when all products and discounts have been set.
- Individual items for a dollar amount off ($5.00 each)
- Global Discount: All items for a dollar amount off on brand: 1 Puff
- All items for a dollar amount off on multiple brands + weight: Equal to condition
Items for a specific price
- Go to Promote > Create a Special > Sale.
- In the Products section, select Items for a specific price. This means that a customer can receive all of the items you specified in the Products section for a specific set price, not just a discount % or dollar amount off. This condition is found under either the discount modal next to the individual item, brand, or category selected.
NOTE: This condition also allows you to set a singular item, a set of items, an entire brand, or a whole category for a specific price. Items for a specific price also works with weight based specifications.
You can set the same All items for a dollar amount off discount for all products in the special. To do so, use the Apply global discount toggle to apply the same discount to all items in your special. Click Continue when all products and discounts have been set.
Individual items set with Items for a specific price.
- Global Discount: Multiple categories set with condition All items for a specific price, including "equal to" weight designation for specific categories.
You can set a BOGO special by product weight for specific items, categories, and brands. To set up a weight-based BOGO special, go to Promote > Create a Special > BOGO.
Conditions & Rewards
In the Conditions and Rewards sections (steps 3 & 4 of creating a BOGO special), you can select specific item weights that your customers must purchase to receive a reward or the specific weights that a customer can receive as a Reward, and choose from the following two options:
Greater Than: When this option is selected, the sale will apply to all items greater than the specified weight/quantity.
Equal To: When this option is selected, the sale will apply to all items equal to or greater than the specified weight/quantity.
Note: Item weight will only appear when it’s relevant to the product. For example, weight won't display for items like Accessories.
When setting up your Conditions, you can also decide between two different options: AND & OR
- AND: The customer has to put all of the Condition items in their cart to be eligible for the specified reward.
- OR: If the customer has any of the items in the Conditions section in their cart, they will receive the specified Reward.
Once you are finished setting up your special, be sure to review all details in the Confirmation section before you click "Confirm." After clicking "Confirm," your special will be live immediately or on the specified future start date.
Consumer Experience
On your consumer-facing menu, consumers will see a red banner containing the discount amount under the applicable weights.