
Dutchie does not provide compliance advice. Merchants are responsible for their own compliance. Internal and external Dutchie compliance documentation has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or compliance advice. Dutchie provides tools that assist in compliance in many optional configurations. Merchants should consult their own tax, legal and compliance advisors to determine how best to configure Dutchie compliance settings and, in general, how best to operate within the cannabis industry.

Below are prepared FAQs with instructions for Missouri retailers who have been granted hybrid licenses. The following article will assist you with the steps necessary to prepare for recreational sales.

Point Of Sale Retailer Instructions

Please follow all steps in this order

“Will I need to add additional customer types in the Dutchie Backoffice settings?”
Answer: YES

How to create a new recreational customer type:

  1. You can configure recreational customers by creating a new customer type.
  2. Navigate to Customers > Actions > Manage customer types in Dutchie Backoffice. Select "Show" from the dropdown next to Recreational and click save.
  3. This short tutorial shows you how to Add a Recreational Customer type. For both Medical and Recreational customers, the dropdown fields should say "show"

Medical Out-of-State Patient Reciprocity goes into effect beginning February 3, 2023

In order to initiate a medical out-of-state patient sale, dispensary facilities must:

  1. Verify, if possible, the validity of the out-of-state patient card.
  2. Verify the patient’s valid government photo ID.
  3. If purchasing marijuana plants, verify that the out-of-state patient is authorized to cultivate in their home state.
  4. Patients under the age of 18:
    • Verify that only a parent or legal guardian is making marijuana product purchases.
    • Verify the birth certificate or adoption record showing proof of relationship to the patient’s parent, or documentation establishing legal guardianship.
  5. Patients under the age of 18 who are emancipated: Verify a certified emancipation order from the issuing court.

How to create a new out-of-state medical customer type.

  1. You can configure recreational customers by creating a new customer type.
  2. Navigate to Customers > Actions > Manage customer types in Dutchie Backoffice. Select "Show" from the dropdown next to Medical Out-Of-State and click save.
  3. This short tutorial shows you how to Add a Medical Out Of State Customer type. For both Medical and Recreational customers, the dropdown fields should say "show"

“Will I need to update tax rates in the Dutchie Backoffice settings?”

Answer: YES

How to create a new sales tax:

  1. From Taxes & Compliance you can create and set tax rates for different types of products and purchase limits for different types of customers. The recreational sales tax is 6% in addition to any local taxes
  2. Read this help center article on how to Set tax rates and purchase limits.
  3. After creating the new tax rate, you will want the rate to apply to select customer types (Recreational)
    1. Tip: Medical taxes will stay the same

“Will I need to update purchase limits in the Dutchie Backoffice settings?”

Answer: YES

How to create new purchase limits:

  1. Recreational customers have different purchase limits than medical customers. The limits for rec customers are 3 oz or equivalent per transaction.
  2. To set purchase limits, navigate to Settings > Taxes & compliance > Purchase limits
  3. Follow the same help center article on how to Set tax rates and purchase limits.

“Will I need to update any location options in the Dutchie Backoffice settings?”

Answer: YES

Configure Location Settings to Allow Rec Customers

  1. Navigate to Settings > Location > Point of Sale and check the box next to “Allow Rec Customer”
  2. This allows check-in for recreational customers at your location
    1. For more information visit our Location Settings Overview

How To Conduct Inventory Audits

Licensees can run inventory audits and export inventory audit results, including all adjustments and adjustment reasons, by following these steps:

  1. Go to Products > Audit.
  2. In the top right, click + fill out the fields in the Add New Inventory Audit
  3. In the ‘Actual’ column, type in the actual quantity on hand. You may add a Comment and Reason Code, if there are any discrepancies or adjustments to be made
  4. Under ‘Action’, you may make Adjustments and Export the Inventory Audit


Selecting Blind Audit will hide the ‘expected quantity’ so the inventory taker does not know what the expected quantity should be

Selecting ‘Manual’ will allow you to manually type the actual quantity. Selecting ‘Scan’ will allow you to scan each product to produce the audit in DPOS

Point Of Sale Metrc Integration Setting Instructions

Please follow all steps in this order

Configure Metrc Settings to record sales by customer type instead of license type

  1. Go to Configuration > Integrations > Metrc > Settings, then find the dropdown called "Report Sales by" and choose "Customer Type".
  2. Click Update to save these settings.

Configure Metrc Purchase Limit settings

  1. Enable allotment checks for medical customers and use Dutchie purchase limits for rec customers.
  2. Follow the steps written here: Enable allotment checks in Metrc settings
  3. Recreational customers will be calculated against the Duthie Point Of Sale purchase limit configurations while allotment for medical customers will still remain tied to the Metrc allotment check.

Require Individual User API Keys

In order for the identity of the facility agent making each record to be recorded in Metrc, you must turn on Individual User API Keys under Metrc settings:

  1. Go to Settings > Integrations > Require Individual User Keys > Mark the setting as Yes.
  2. Ensure each user has their individual API key populated under Integrations > User Key
    • Each individual's API key can be found in their Metrc account.
    • The Metrc API Key can be copied from the Metrc API Key screen to the Dutchie User Key screen by clicking the user's Metrc profile and selecting API Key from the dropdown. For details on the Dutchie User key screen, see the images below.
  3. Navigate to the User Key section in your Metrc settings page in Dutchie Backoffice.
  4. Select the user you wish to apply API Key to.
  5. Then, paste the API key from Metrc into the text field and click Save
  6. Repeat the above steps for all users. Please note that users will require specific permissions inside Metrc in order to effectively transact sales. Please see Metrc’s supplemental guide for Missouri for more details.

Missouri Retailer Additional FAQ

Q: Will the state require two licenses for medical and recreational?

  • No, per Missouri regulators, retailers with hybrid licenses will operate under 1 license.

Q: Will retailers need to separate their online menus for medical and recreational in Missouri?

  • Since retailers will be operating under the same license (but now as a hybrid license), no separation of inventory is necessary. A single menu and switching customer profiles should work fine.

Q: How will POS retailers specify whether a customer is medical vs recreational?

  • A new "Recreational" customer type will be required for retailers.
  • Navigate to Customers > Actions > Manage customer types from the backoffice. Select Show from the dropdown next to Recreational on the manage customer types screen. Then, click save.

Q: Will POS retailers need to change their tax setup?

  • Medical taxes will remain the same, but retailers will need to create a new recreational tax. In addition to any local taxes, recreational purchases will be taxed at 6%. You can configure your taxes in the backoffice settings by following the instructions here: Set tax rates and purchase limits

Q: When setting up the new sales tax, should it be tied to customer type?

  • “Recreational” should be the customer type for this new sales tax.

Q: Will recreational purchase limits be different from medical purchase limits?

  • Recreational purchases are limited to 3 ounces or the equivalent per transaction. To set up recreational purchase limits, please follow the steps in this article: Set tax rates and purchase limits.

Q: What reports can retailers run from Dutchie Backoffice?

Q: Any special considerations for manufacturers or cultivators?

  • The following items for cultivation and manufacturing facilities must be tracked and recorded directly in Metrc at this time:
    • Additives and ingredients tracking related to marijuana plants and products
    • All testing actions