As of May 31, 2023, the Division of Cannabis Regulation (DCR) is requiring that dispensaries scan the barcode located on the back of the Department-issued medical identification cards to initiate medical cannabis sales. Cards need to be scanned at the time of sale to record patient, primary caregiver, and consumer cultivator purchases. 

Individuals presenting only the front side of an identification card may not be allowed to make purchases. The medical ID must be scanned and the scanning of the medical ID barcode must bring up the patient/caregiver’s profile at the POS. 

Things to consider

  1. The MO medical ID has a different barcode that is only scannable by 2D barcode scanners.
  2. You may need to configure your barcode so it can scan the MO Med ID barcodes
  3. Checking in medical patients and caregivers:
    • DCR requires the scanning of the MO medical ID automatically brings up a patient/caregiver’s profile in the POS. Therefore, dispensaries should scan the MO patient or caregiver's medical ID at check-in or at the POS to ensure that a patient/caregiver’s profile is automatically pulled up after scanning.
    • If you currently use an integrated 3rd-party barcode scanning software such as VeriScan/IDscan and want to continue using it for medical patients by scanning their driver's licenses, their profile will already be populated when they begin the sale. In this instance, scanning the patient/caregiver’s medical ID again at the time of sale will throw an error/warning that the patient is already checked in (see screenshot below). This error can be ignored and the sale can proceed.

      Note: This method may not be fully compliant as regulations require that the scanning of the medical ID (not a driver's license) brings up the patient profile. Thus, we recommend following the procedure below and confirming best practices with the DCR.

Scanning Missouri Med IDs

  1. In the register, click the Scan ID button.
  2. Scan the Missouri Medical ID.
  3. View and confirm the information on the Customer Info page. 
    • If an existing patient: Click check-in to display a card on the Guest List
    • If a new patient: Click Save to validate the Customer Info.
    • If a new patient: Click Check-In to check in the new patient card on the Guest List.