Dutchie POS Discount Detail report overview
This article applies to Dutchie POS.
The Discount Detail report shows a detailed breakdown of discount usage across locations.
This report includes every discounted product sold and its associated transaction ID, pricing information, and discount information.
Table of contents
Getting started
To access this report:
- Go to the Reports module in the Backoffice.
- Click Marketing and search Discount Detail Report in the search bar.
Note: This report lives in the Marketing sections, but includes important sales data. - Click on the report name to bring up the report page where you can run the report.
Default dates and search criteria
Default dates for this report start 7 days prior to the current date. This report is run on the local timezone and can be run for all locations or just one. All Sales Reports use order date as the search criteria, and each record pulled is related to close or completed orders.
Using the Discount Detail Report
The Discount Detail Report helps you see how your discount structure is being used. The report shows which cashier is offering discounts and how many, what customers are receiving discounts and their products, as well as what products are being discounted most often. The Discount Detail report helps answer questions such as:
- How well your discount counted products are performing?
- What budtenders are offering discounts?
- Which discounts are most popular and what % discount are you offering?
Column configuration
Columns in this report can be rearranged or removed to give you a better snapshot at the exact data you want to see as it relates to discounts. After running the report, if there are columns you wish to configure, click the Settings cog on on the report table to unselect a column and drag and drop the column order.
Descriptions and calculations
The table below provides a description of each of the columns in this report and whether this field is calculated or is base data. Calculated data type describes columns that are made up of multiple points of data being combined such as Net Sales, Gross Sales, or Total Inventory Sold. A Base data type describes data derived from a single point of interest such as a Package ID, Category, or Location Name.
Net Sales and Gross Sales on this report only represent sales for discounted orders.
Column field title | Data type | Description |
Location Name | Base data | Name of the specific location under an organization in which the data on the report is associated. |
Order ID | Base data | Unique number / identified attached to an order that identifies the sale. |
Order Time | Base data | The date and time the order was completed. Adheres to local timezone. |
Customer Name | Base data | Name of the customer associated with the order, or a unique number assigned to an anonymous checkout guest. |
Customer Contact | Base data | Customer phone number. |
Patient Medical Card ID | Base data | ID number on the patient's medical card. |
Caregiver ID | Base data | ID number for a customer's caregiver. |
Product Name | Base data | Name of the product setup in the catalog. This catalog field determines how the product name is displayed in the inventory and register. |
Package ID | Base data | A scannable barcode number associated with a location's inventory items. |
Unit Price | Calculation | If your location uses out-the-door (tax-inclusive) pricing, the unit price reflects the out-the-door price. |
Gross Sales | Base data | Gross Sales represents the Gross Sales Price of the item in this report. |
Discounted Amount | Calculation | Total amount of the discount(s) applied, excluding loyalty as discount. |
Discounted Percent | Calculation | Discounted Amount divided by Gross Sales Price. If your location uses out-the-door (tax-inclusive) pricing, the percent is calculated based on the out-the-door price. |
Net Sales | Calculation | Gross Sales - Discounted Amount |
Discount Name | Base data | The name of the discount configured in backoffice. |
Discount Description | Base data | The description of the discount configured in backoffice. |
Discount Code | Base data | The discount identifier that the applied discount was given when it was created. |
Budtender Name | Base data | Name of the person completing the sale. |
Fulfillment Budtender Name | Base data | If using the a fulfillment model, this is the name of the person fulfilling the order before the sale is completed. |
Discount Approved By | Base data | The person who approved the discount. |
Vendor Name | Base data | Name of the vendor associated with the inventory sold, typically associated with a package, but sometimes SKU. |
Discount Applied Customer Group (1-5) | Base data |
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