Enable BioTrack integration

Before enabling and configuring the BioTrack integration, Dutchie Support must activate BioTrack for your location.

Once activated, after close of business on the day before integration, navigate to Settings > Integrations > BioTrack and select the Settings tab.

sample biotrack florida settings.png

Enter the following:

Field/setting: Enter or select:
Enabled Yes
State FL
URL https://api.licensee.fl.biotr.ac/
Username The username provided to you by the state or by BioTrack
Password The password provided to you by the state or by BioTrack
Require Employee Biotrack Users

Select Yes for retail locations only.

Otherwise, select No.

License Type Select the option that matches your license type
UBI The UBI provided to you by the state or by BioTrack. This is roughly equivalent to your LSP in Dutchie POS and is typically the same for all Locations in your LSP
Location The location ID provided to you by the state or by BioTrack
Use Package External IDs If Yes, when you upload existing inventory to BioTrack, a traceable 16-digit BioTrack ID will populate in the External Package ID field and maintain current Package ID values to avoid relabeling in order to scan products into the cart. This is the recommended option for most operators. If No, the BioTrack integration will override all existing Package ID values with a new traceable 16-digit BioTrack ID. This will require re-labeling of existing inventory to match new BioTrack ID to scan products into the cart.
Use Plant External IDs

Optional. This setting has the same effect as Use Package External IDs described above, except for plant IDs and labels.

Only applies to cultivation locations.

Use Other Plant Material

Select Yes to enable the Other Plant Material inventory type. Inventory designated as Other Plant Material can only be used to convert into intermediate extraction products and cannot be used to convert into flower products.

When enabled, there are additional required fields for other plant material in harvests and waste. This also allows you to package out other plant material.

Only applies to cultivation locations.

Use BioTrack Allotment Check

Select Yes for retail locations only.

Otherwise, select No.

Report Discounted Prices

Select Yes for retail locations only.

Otherwise, select No.

Enable Deliveries

Select Yes or No depending on whether this location offers retail delivery. 

If Yes, enter https://api.delivery.fl.biotr.ac/ in the Delivery API URL field.

Use BioTrack Lab Data

If Yes, Dutchie POS can import lab results from BioTrack.

If No, users must manually input lab results.

Default BioTrack Labs in Receive If Use BioTrack Lab Data is set to Yes, this setting controls the default selection (yes/no) for the Get BioTrack lab results dropdown when receiving a package. Learn more.
Display Approval Date In Catalog

If Yes, a required field appears on each Catalog product where you must enter the date the product was approved for retail sale by OMMU. This is the recommended option. 

If No, this field is hidden.

Post ingredients after inventory conversion

Select Yes only if you have a Manufacturer license type in BioTrack.

Otherwise, select No.

Send Location on Dispense Calls Yes
Report Room Movements Yes
Prevent Package Location Moves Yes

Turn on the "Bypass state system" option

Go to Settings > Location and check the box for Show Option to Bypass State System. This gives users with the necessary permission the option to perform certain actions in Dutchie POS without reporting them to BioTrack, which is necessary for receiving delivery devices.

Be sure to also grant the Bypass State for Receive Inventory permission to users who will receive delivery devices.

bo_settings_users_inventory_bypass state for receive inventory.png

Verify Dutchie POS usernames/Login IDs match MMUR email addresses

The Dutchie POS username (also called a Login ID) for each of your employees must be an exact, case-sensitive match to their email address in MMUR.

For example, if an employee’s MMUR email address is Mary.Jane@company.com, the Login ID field on their user profile must also be Mary.Jane@company.com. We recommend also filling in the Email field accordingly.

bo_users_user profile.png

Each employee must have their own Dutchie POS username and password. Shared accounts are not allowed.

Checklist for the day before go-live

Once you’ve completed the above, after close of business on the day before your go-live date:

Verify External IDs for Rooms

  1. Go to Settings > Rooms.
  2. Select a room.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Select the same room and verify that the External ID field now has a value populated into it.
    bo_settings_rooms_biotrack external ID example.png
  5. Repeat the above steps to verify that all of your rooms have an External ID.

Verify external categories and MMUR fields in your Catalog

Ensure each product in your Catalog is assigned to the correct External category.

You can do this by going to ProductsCatalog, then select a product and update the External category field.

Or, assign external categories in bulk by using the checkboxes to select multiple products belonging to the same external category, then select Bulk actions > Buk edit product details and assign the External category.

Products in green are approved categories for end products in retail.

Categories in blue and yellow are approved categories for cultivation and manufacturing only.
biotrack external category diagram.png

Verify that MMUR fields are set up correctly on all catalog products that will be traceable in BioTrack, including non-cannabis Delivery Devices.

Verify lab results

Verify that all cannabis packages have valid and accurate lab results.

  • Ensure potencies are calculated. This requires packages to be tied to a batch number.
  • If Potency is blank, click the Lab results button, re-save and refresh the page. The Potency value should auto-populate.
    potency field.png

Upload to BioTrack

Once you’ve audited your entire Catalog for accurate external categories, MMUR fields, Grams/concentration, Approval dates (if applicable), and all cannabis inventory has correct lab results and potencies:

  1. In Products > Inventory, check the boxes next to each package. You can check the box in the header row to Select all or Select page, but we recommend selecting no more than 500 items at a time.
  2. Select Bulk actions > Upload to BioTrack.
    fl_upload to biotrack.png