What is BioTrack?

BioTrack is a traceability platform that allows regulating bodies to track cannabis plants and products from the producer to a dispensary to a consumer by assigning a unique 16-digit identifier (called a lot number in BioTrack or a Package ID in Dutchie POS) to each plant and product.

Traceability in the legal cannabis market helps to:

  • Prevent legal, regulated cannabis products from reaching the illegal, unregulated market.
  • Prevent contaminated materials from reaching consumers.
  • Prevent regulated cannabis from reaching community members who shouldn't have access to it.

How does BioTrack work?

Dutchie POS integrates with BioTrack and automatically reports inventory actions, sales, and other data to keep you compliant. Actions you take in Dutchie POS that are reported to BioTrack include:

Florida has a real-time requirement for reporting to BioTrack’s traceability system. This means your sales need to be in BioTrack usually within 5 minutes. As such, Dutchie POS reports all sales and inventory actions in real time instead of in periodic batches. This reporting also flows to MMUR.

How do I get started in BioTrack?

Each item in your inventory will be assigned a new BioTrack identifier. To avoid relabeling everything in your inventory, we’ve created a workflow to help with the initial inventory upload. This workflow uses the External package ID to link to BioTrack instead of the standard Package ID value to avoid relabeling.

See the following articles for detailed steps:

How do I receive, transfer, and manage inventory?

Receiving and transferring inventory

You can accept and/or reject transfers of incoming inventory from Products > Inventory > Receive inventory in the Backoffice, and these actions will be reported to BioTrack.

Rejecting all or a portion of a transfer automatically transfers rejected inventory back to the sender in BioTrack without requiring a new manifest.

Outbound transfers or returns of inventory that you’ve already received require creating a manifest.

Note: You cannot reopen a manifest after successfully receiving it.

Tip: To prevent the Lot name/batch ID field from auto-populating with the package ID when receiving inventory:

  1. Go to Settings > Location.
  2. In the Defaults section, set Create Batches Automatically to Never.
  3. Click Save.

Invoices and manifests

Invoices represent wholesale transactions between two licensed locations, such as a supplier/cultivator and a dispensary.

Invoices are required when a manifest is going to a different UBI and when the destination is receiving a shipment. Dutchie POS automatically creates and reports invoices to BioTrack when you complete a transfer manifest. See Florida | Create a BioTrack manifest in Dutchie POS for details.

Vendor returns

If you haven’t already received the inventory, you can return it to the vendor by rejecting the initial transfer.

If you need to return a partial package you’ve already received, create a sublot first. Because you cannot transfer partial lots/packages, sublotting inventory allows you to take items from one lot/package and reassign them to a new lot/package before transferring. This way you retain the original lot/package for record keeping.

Sublotting is not necessary if you are returning an entire package from which you haven’t sold any items.

Moving inventory between rooms in your facility

As with transferring inventory to another licensee such as a vendor or another dispensary location, you can only move the full quantity of a lot from room to room. Use the sublot feature to split a portion of a lot into a new lot that you can then move to another room.

Destroying inventory

Destroy any inventory that cannot be sold or returned to a vendor using the Destruction Manager in the Backoffice. Return to the Destruction Manager page to complete the destruction of packages deemed eligible for destruction or “undestroy” ineligible packages. See Destroy inventory using BioTrack destruction manager for details.

Destruction Reason options are pulled from BioTrack. If you had previously set up your own Destruction Reasons, you will no longer be able to use those.

To view inventory you have destroyed, go to Products > Inventory, select the More filter, and enable Show products with zero quantity.

Catalog setup

See Florida | MMUR overview for details on configuring products in your Catalog

Testing and quality assurance

Items must pass quality assurance and have recorded lab results before being sold or added to a transfer or manifest.

Lab results will appear on inventory items in the Backoffice. You’ll need to bring in those lab results each time you receive a lot/package. Learn more about fetching lab results.

If a sample fails testing, it will need to be remediated/retested. Two new samples must be created for retesting. OMMU regulations apply for remediation testing


You’ll make sales in a similar way that you always have, but before you make any sales you need to make sure that your inventory has been tagged with the unique BioTrack lot number.


Before you can process deliveries, you must create drivers and vehicles in Dutchie POS. This will automatically create corresponding drivers (Employees) and vehicles in BioTrack. Then you can follow the standard workflow for delivery. Learn more about delivery operations in Dutchie POS.

Before going live with BioTrack, all previous deliveries must be completed or cancelled.

User management

Dispensary employees are required to have individual user accounts in Dutchie POS (no shared logins).

Users who also have an email address registered with MMUR and BioTrack should use the same email address for their Dutchie POS Login ID (username) and Email. This must be an exact, case-sensitive match between Dutchie POS and MMUR.

bo_users_user profile.png

MMUR vs. BioTrack

Once you've completed your migration to BioTrack, Dutchie POS will automatically report sales to BioTrack, which will then report to MMUR.

There is no user interface for BioTrack in Florida, so all actions and configurations occur in Dutchie POS and are reported to BioTrack via our integration.

MMUR retains a limited, read-only interface for validating patient information.

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