This article applies only to Florida operators integrated with BioTrack. Operators in other states should instead refer to this article for information about creating manifests.

To return inventory to a vendor or transfer it to one of your other retail locations, create a record in Dutchie POS for the person picking up the inventory and the vehicle they’re driving, then create a transfer manifest.

Before you begin

Enable Cars and Drivers for Wholesale

If your location offers retail delivery to customers, you already have the necessary car and driver features and can skip to the next section.

Otherwise, you need to Enable Cars and Drivers for Wholesale:

  1. In the Backoffice, go to Settings > Location.
  2. Scroll to the Inventory section and check the box for Enable Cars and Drivers for Wholesale.
  3. Click Save.

Create delivery vehicles and drivers

If you haven't already done so, create delivery drivers and vehicles in Dutchie POS.

Create customer profiles for vendors

Before you can create a manifest to transfer inventory, a customer profile for the destination facility must exist in the Backoffice.

For internal transfers to another location in the same UBI, customer profiles for your other locations are typically created on your behalf by the Dutchie POS Implementation Team during your onboarding process. Avoid editing these pre-existing customer profiles.

For external transfers to a vendor or other operator outside your UBI, follow these steps to create a customer profile for the destination facility:

  1. Go to Customers.
  2. Select Actions > Manage customer types and make sure the relevant vendor types (distributor, cultivator, processor, etc.) are set to Show and click Save.
  3. Click Add customer.
  4. Select the appropriate vendor Type.
  5. Enter the destination facility's BioTrack license number in the MJ state ID field.
  6. Fill in any other relevant details, then click Save.

Create a manifest

  1. In the Backoffice, go to Products > Manifests.
  2. On the Wholesale tab, click Add manifest.bo_products_manifests_add
  3. Enter a Title
  4. Select the manifest Type:
    • For a vendor return, select Order.
    • For an internal transfer to another location in your UBI, select Transfer.
  5. Select the Customer (vendor you're returning to) or To location (for internal transfers).
  6. Enter the Date that the transfer will take place.
  7. Click Create.

Assign drivers to a manifest

  1. Select the manifest you just created
  2. Select Actions > Edit driver.
  3. Select a Driver, Second driver, and Car.
  4. Enter an estimated Departure and Arrival time.
  5. Enter the driving Directions between your location and the destination or click Get directions to automatically generate directions from your facility's address to the receiving licensee's address.

    If auto-generated directions appear incorrect, verify that the receiving licensee's customer profile has an accurate and complete address listed. Otherwise, your own facility's address may be outdated or incorrect in Dutchie POS. Contact Dutchie Support if you need to correct or update your facility's address.


  6. Click Save.

Add items and complete the manifest

Unless you are transferring the entire original quantity of a package, sublot it first before adding items to a manifest. Sublotting allows you to transfer a portion of a package into a new package to transfer. It is not possible to transfer a portion of a package.

  1. Scroll down to the Items section and click Add item.
  2. Add items and quantities.
  3. Click Actions to edit the manifest details or add notes as needed.
  4. Click Complete order.
  5. Confirm the details when prompted. Completing the manifest automatically creates an invoice and reports it to BioTrack.

If an outbound transfer manifest fails for any reason, Dutchie POS automatically voids the manifest.