Customize promotion settings: Enable stacking for individual specials in Dutchie Ecommerce
When items are present in more than one Special, you can change how discounts apply by using custom promotion settings in Dutchie Ecommerce.
Table of contents
- Keywords and terms
- Get Started
- Stacking Enabled
- Non-stacking / stacking disabled
- Multiple items
- Example outcomes
- Get Started
- Troubleshooting
Keywords and terms
- Special: Any Sale or Offer in Ecommerce.
Sale: Item, brand, or category unconditionally presented at a discounted price, either in dollars or as a percentage off.
- e.g., “$2 off pre-rolls”.
Offer (formerly known as ‘BOGO’): Offered reward once certain condition is met.
- e.g., “buy 2 vapes, get a third 50% off”.
Coupon: Customizable, discount codes consumers can redeem at checkout.
- e.g., “Use coupon code reeferal20 for 20% off your first order”.
- Discount: Any Sale or Offer in DPOS.
- Item (in regards to Stacking): NOT the product itself, but each individual quantity of product in the cart. It’s easy to get confused thinking discount logic already applied to the ‘Summit THC Delta 8 Gummies’ product vs. considering the 3 packages of those gummies as 3 separate items all individually eligible for discount.
Get started
- Navigate to Dutchie Ecommerce Admin Promote.
- Click the Settings gear icon. Saved settings will apply to all Current and Future specials for your dispensary.
Enable stacked specials
First, you will choose whether specials can stack or not. This choice will determine which additional configurations you can make.
- If Stacking is Enabled, you choose if discounts should be Compounding or Cumulative.
- If Stacking Disabled, you choose whether to Favor Customer or Favor Retailer.
Stacking enabled
Non-stacking / stacking disabled
Stacking enabled
When stacking is enabled:
- Multiple sales or offers can apply to any eligible item.
- Example: A 5% off all topicals Sale + a 10% off ‘Relief Cream - Lavender’ can stack for that item totaling 15% off.
* Any Coupons could also stack or apply to eligible items.
- Example: A 5% off all topicals Sale + a 10% off ‘Relief Cream - Lavender’ can stack for that item totaling 15% off.
- You will choose between compounding or cumulative discount behavior when an item is eligible for multiple specials.
Compounding discounts
Compounding discounts apply the second discount on top of the already discounted price, when one item is associated with multiple specials.
Order of application is based on discount type:
- If an item is both on Sale and on Offer, the Sale discount applies first.
- If an item is on 2 Offers, the earlier expiring Offer applies first (based on the Offer's end date, both standard or recurring).
- If an item is on 2 same-type Sales (%off + %off or $off + $off), the earlier created Sale applies first.
- If an item is on 2 different types of Sales (%off + $off), the %off discount applies first.
Example behavior:
Sale 1 | “10% off all edibles” | |
Sale 2 | “20% off cookies” | |
Cart | 1x $20 cookie | |
Logic | Sale 1 applies 1st (10% off) bringing price to $18. Sale 2 then compounds applying its 20% off to the now discounted price of $18 (for another $3.60 off). | |
Total | $14.40 |
Cumulative discounts
Cumulative discounts add up together and apply against the base item price.
Example behavior:
Sale 1 | “10% off all edibles” | |
Sale 2 | “20% off cookies” | |
Cart | 1x $20 cookie | |
Logic | Both Sales apply to the base item price for a total of 30% off. | |
Total | $14.00 |
Non-stacking / stacking disabled
When stacking is disabled, 2 or more specials cannot apply to a single item.
Example: A 5% off all topicals Sale + a 10% off ‘Relief Cream - Lavender’ can NOT stack for that item.
*Disabled stacking also prevents Coupons from applying to an item.
Even with stacking disabled, 1 Sale + 1 Offer can always apply to an order if all conditions have been met and no single item will receive a stacked discount.
While only 1 special can apply to 1 quantity of an item, different specials can still apply to the overall order or across different items (even when items are the same product).
Example: an order with a quantity of 4 of the same product (let’s say 4x ‘CBDfx Cream’) can still be eligible for both a $2 off all topicals Sale + a Buy 2 Get 1 Free Offer on ‘CBDfx Cream’, even when stacking is disabled.
- 4 items are present.
- 3 items are used for the B2G1 Offer.
- The remaining 1 item not being used for the B2G1 Offer and not yet receiving a discount is eligible for the $2 off Sale.
If stacking is toggled off, you’ll next choose to Favor the Customer or Favor the Dispensary when an item is eligible for multiple specials and can only receive one.
Favor Customer
Favor Customer provides the biggest discount to the customer.
Example behavior:
Sale 1 | “10% off tinctures” | |
Sale 2 | “$2 off tinctures” | |
Cart | 1x $30 tincture | |
Logic | Sale 1 applies as it provides a bigger discount at $3 off. | |
Total | $27 |
Favor Retailer
Favor Retailer provides the smallest discount to the customer.
Example behavior:
Sale 1 | “10% off tinctures” | |
Sale 2 | “$2 off tinctures” | |
Cart | 1x $30 tincture | |
Logic | Sale 2 applies as it provides a smaller discount at $2 off. | |
Total | $28 |
Multiple items
If more than 1 item qualifies, you can control which item receives the discount with this setting. It’s independent of stacking settings because it applies even when an item only qualifies for one offer.
Example: for a Buy 1 pre-roll, get 1 50% off! Offer where pre-rolls are different prices, this setting determines which one gets the 50% discount.
Least expensive item
Example behavior when applying a discount to the Least expensive item:
Offer | “Buy 1 pre-roll, get 1 50% off” | |
Cart | 1x $15 pre-roll 1x $10 pre-roll | |
Logic | The less expensive $10 pre-roll gets the discount. | |
Total | $20 [$15 pre-roll + (50% off $10) $5 pre-roll] |
Most expensive item
Example behavior when applying a discount to the Most expensive item:
Offer | “Buy 1 pre-roll, get 1 50% off” | |
Cart | 1x $15 pre-roll 1x $10 pre-roll | |
Logic | The more expensive $15 pre-roll gets the discount. | |
Total | $17.50 [$10 pre-roll + (50% off $15) $7.50 pre-roll] |
Example outcomes
Stacking enabled | Multiple item specials allowed
Here’s an example of stacked specials being allowed on an item with 2 different configurations.
Sale | “10% off Summit edibles” | |
Offer | “Buy 1 get 1 10% off ~ all gummies” | |
Cart | 1x $50 Summit THC Delta 8 Gummies 1x $70 Elevate Delta 9 THCv Gummies |
Configuration |
Item | Discount | Price After Disc. | Item | Discount | Price After Disc. | |
$50 Summit gummies “Get 1 10% off” Offer discount applied to least expensive item + Sale applies | - The 10% off Sale applies 1st, bringing item price to $45 - The 10% off Offer then compounds, discounting item another $4.50 | $40.50 | Discount Logic | $50 Summit gummies item used as “buy 1” portion of Offer + Sale applies | Receives 10% off | $45 |
$70 Elevate gummies item used as “buy 1” portion of Offer | Full price | $70 | $70 Elevate gummies “Get 1 10% off” Offer discount applied to most expensive item | Receives 10% off | $63 | |
$110.50 | Total | $108 |
Stacking disabled | Item sale blocked
Here’s an example of stacked Sales being prevented on an item with 2 different configurations.
Sale 1 | “10% off all edibles” | |
Sale 2 | “20% off Summit THC Delta 8 Gummies” | |
Cart | 2x $50 Summit THC Delta 8 Gummies 1x $70 Elevate Delta 9 THCv Gummies |
Configuration |
Item | Discount | Price After Disc. | Item | Discount | Price After Disc. | |
$50 Summit gummies smaller discount applied, stacked Sale blocked | Receives 10% off | $45 | Discount Logic | $50 Summit gummies bigger discount applied, stacked Sale blocked | Receives 20% off | $40 |
$50 Summit gummies smaller discount applied, stacked Sale blocked | Receives 10% off | $45 | $50 Summit gummies bigger discount applied, stacked Sale blocked | Receives 20% off | $40 | |
$70 Elevate gummies | Receives 10% off | $63 | $70 Elevate gummies smaller discount not applied, stacked Sale blocked | Receives 10% off | $63 | |
$153 | Total | $143 |
Stacking disabled | Item offer blocked
Here’s an example of stacked Offers being prevented on an item with 2 different configurations.
Offer 1 | “BOGO 50% off Wyld gummies” | |
Offer 2 | “Buy any 2 edibles, get $10 off each” | |
Cart | 1x $60 Wyld gummies 1x $50 Wyld gummies |
Configuration |
Item | Discount | Price After Disc. | Item | Discount | Price After Disc. | |
$60 Wyld gummies used as “buy 1” portion of Offer 1 | Full price | $60 | Discount Logic | $60 Wyld gummies smaller overall discount to cart applied, most/least expensive irrelevant | Receives $10 off | $50 |
$50 Wyld gummies bigger overall discount to cart applied to least expensive item | Receives 50% off | $25 | $50 Wyld gummies smaller overall discount to cart applied, most/least expensive irrelevant | Receives $10 off | $40 | |
$85 | Total | $90 |
Stacking disabled | Sale and offer apply to cart
Stacking prevents 1 quantity of an item from receiving more than 1 discount, but different items in the cart can be eligible for different specials. Let’s see an example where both a Sale and Offer apply to a cart with stacking disabled in two different configurations.
Sale | “$6 off all flower products” | |
Offer | “Buy 1 flower product, get 1 flower product 20% off” | |
Cart |
1x $40 flower product 1x $24 flower product 1x $15 flower product |
Configuration |
Item | Discount | Price After Disc. | Item | Discount | Price After Disc. | |
$40 flower product used as “get 1” part of Offer | Receives 20% off | $32 | Discount Logic | $40 flower product used as “buy 1” part of Offer | Full price | $40 |
$24 flower product used as part of Sale | Receives $6 off | $18 | $24 flower product used as part of Sale | Receives $6 off | $18 | |
$15 flower product used as “buy 1” part of Offer | Full price | $15 | $15 flower product used as “get 1” part of Offer | Receives 20% off | $12 | |
$65 | Total | $70 |
“I have stacking disabled, but multiple specials are still applying to the order cart.”
- Stacking works on an item-by-item basis in Ecomm.
- With stacking disabled, only one Special can apply to 1 quantity of an item.
- While 2+ specials cannot apply to a single item; Different specials can apply to different items (even when those items are the same product).
- The same product purchased in a quantity of 4 = 4 items (with each item being separately eligible for discount).
- 2+ specials can apply to the same order as long as any 1 item is only discounted once.
If you ever see an item discounted that receives an additional order discount, with stacking disabled, check for any ‘Discount to Cart’ Rewards you may have set up as part of an Offer. This would stack on top of other discounts, regardless of settings.
- e.g., A “Save 20% off your entire order when you pre-order” Offer may be configured as a ‘Discount to Cart’ (see image on left below) so would apply to order regardless.
- This discount could instead be changed to adhere to stacking settings by selecting all possible categories in the rewards section, using the AND operator, granting 20% off, and setting 999 as the qty limit (image on right).
Discount to cart setup
Non-stacking, discount to all items by category setup
If you ever see an item discounted that receives an additional order discount, with stacking disabled, check for any ‘Discount to Cart’ Rewards you may have set up as part of an Offer. This would stack on top of other discounts, regardless of settings.
Non-stacking, discount to all items by category setup
- There’s currently no way to only allow one Sale or Offer to apply per order.
- When an order is eligible for a Sale and an Offer, it’s intended behavior that both promotions can apply if all conditions have been met, regardless of Stacking settings.
- Potential workaround for this = coupon with the no-sale item restriction.“I created a Special that’s not displaying correctly or isn’t featured in the order I want.”
- Check the date and type of menu special..
Offers and Sales are displayed together at the top of the specials page as Deal Cards.
- Admin users can control how Sales and Offers display on the menu via Promote Menu Design.
- Admin users can control display order of Sales and Offers with Ranking Cards.
- Navigate to Promote Reorder Mode drag each Sale/Offer card to the desired ranking position click Save.
In case of ranking conflicts, cards will default to display in expiration date order.
Learn more
- Create a special on your Dutchie Ecommerce menu
- Create specials based on categories, subcategories, brands, and individual items with Dutchie Ecommerce
- Creating sales and specials based on weight, items for a dollar amount off, items for a price, or BOGO in Dutchie Ecommerce
- Create chain specials with Dutchie Ecommerce
- Create offers and rewards with Dutchie Ecommerce
- Create Coupons with Dutchie E-Commerce
- Dutchie POS | Dutchie Ecommerce - Sync discounts from Dutchie POS